In today’s world, organizations operate in a very competitive environment. To survive, they seek to improve processes and gain more value, both in terms of physical resource performance and human productivity.

The behavior of our customers has changed. Industrial activities are increasingly in need of the evidence that has been carried out in the context of technical and safety recommendations.

Selling raw materials that anyone can do, however, to survive in such a competitive market and you need to delight the customer and ultimately lead to customer loyalty. In this scenario, it is important to make the customer “purchase time” by providing consistent information for decision-making.

What is more important, knowing the volume of fat applied to a bearing? or if the amount of fat applied, if the lubricant is correct, if it has been applied on the right bearing, if you have read the safety instructions, if it is at the right time, etc.?

Digital transformation is the context for repositioning companies, creating value and revenue from their assets. The scope of transformation encompasses the complexity of rethinking processes, business models and the customer experience through a complete immersion in digital technology.

To make maintenance processes more robust and create an experience with our customers, we have developed and patented the new era of monitoring and monitoring inspections and lubrication.

Primesyst is a system that aims to ensure the execution of lubrication and inspection plans, within the technical and safety recommendations, with the use of lightweight electronic chips applied at various points of the equipment.

The system ensures reliability of execution with automated management, including photo reports, generating reliable information for faster and assertive decision-making.

The aim is to achieve excellent results such as:

Increase in net productivity;

Performance and performance management of people and assets;

Reducing sudden arrests;

Increased plant efficiency;

Reduced production costs.

The EU flag
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme